In its existence for more than a decade, the pioneering efforts of CPFS in the advancement of research in chosen areas through an annual Congress, a biennial World Science Festival, distinguished lectures and research symposia as well as to the public culture of science, have drawn wide acclaim. As of now, the roll call of world renowned scientists who have delivered distinguished lectures at the invitation of CPFS includes such savants as Roger Penrose, Stephen Hawking, fifteen Nobel Laureates Claude Cohen-Tannoudji, Ahmed Zewail, Robert Huber, Rolf Zinkernagel, Charles Townes, Gerard 't Hooft, Torsten Wiesel, Y.T. Lee, Alan MacDiarmid, Alan Heeger, Douglas Osheroff, Zhores Alferov, Anthony Leggett, Peter Agre, Harold Kroto and Fields Medallist Michael Atiyah.
The Centre has assiduously promoted international networking with scientists of the highest distinction, to nourish the national scientific community, an activity of vital importance in the age of globalization. In the 21st century knowledge society driven by the burgeoning economies of Asia, innovation and creativity are the key to global leadership. So are the proportion of young people in the population and cultural norms of free and unrestrained communication in India, which allow for sustained questioning of even the greatest achievers. Believing in maximising interactions, the Centre has endeavoured to reach out to the wider community alongside scientific and scholarly debate with specialists. The intensity and focus of the Centre's activities have made its visitors accessible to a great many interlocutors at close quarters, who are inspired by the exemplars they meet and see them as human beings like themselves who have striven and succeeded against the odds. The demystification of creative processes and individuals is a corollary of the fundamental tenets of science and democracy, which are coaeval. In consequence, beneficiaries must extend beyond narrow coteries to encompass a wider world.
Established for the cultivation of knowledge, the academic orientation of CPFS does not allow it to make political or social interventions. This is not to deny that the single-minded quest for knowledge and a commitment to impartial inquiry have, inter alia, salutary lessons for society and politics. Individuals associated with the Centre may have divergent personal beliefs; in a pluralist democracy this is both natural and wholesome.
The institution now stands at the threshold of a major expansion in order to reach its full potential and appropriately enough, the timing of these efforts coincided with the centennial of Albert Einstein's annus mirabilis. The project of setting up a World Institute for Advanced Study, was planned and conceptualized as early as 2001, with a focus on foundations, frontiers and philosophy. For the interanimation of these modes of investigation, Einstein is truly an awe-inspiring exemplar and the institute, which will nurture and empower gifted legatees of the vision of unity vouchsafed by this universal genius, will be apt homage indeed.
The core group of the Institute, built around outstanding individuals in chosen research areas, will be augmented incrementally, as and when such talent is available. Meanwhile, the Institute will rely on the Invisible College and on distinguished visiting professors and associates to keep activities going while advancing towards its goal of a dedicated research facility capable of attracting the brightest and the best, to produce in turn and in time, torch bearers of knowledge.