M.N. Saha, 1893-1956
Congress of Philosophy and Foundations of Science XV [CPFS-XV '10]
December 16-22, 2010, New Delhi, India
International Program 'Frontier Areas Research Excellence' of the The World Institute for Advanced Study, CPFS, New Delhi comprising eight Sections:
- Cosmology & Astroparticle Physics (CAP)
- Cognitive and Logical Aspects of Interdisciplinary Methodologies (CLAIM)
- Genomics Revolution & Emerging Advances in Therapeutics (GREAT)
- Neuroscientific Investigations of Conscious Experience (NICE)
- Plenty of Room: Advances in Nanoscience (PRAN)
- Quantum Uncertainty, Information, Communication & Knowledge (QUICK)
- Sustaining Humanity: Opportunities, Risks and Threats (SHORT)
- Unifying Natural Law: Advances and New Approaches (UNLANA)
The international program committee consists of WIAS Distinguished Visiting Professors, CPFS Faculty Associates and Members of the Board of Advisers. The program will combine keynote lectures, plenary lectures, symposia and workshops by leading practitioners. Interested specialists and researchers who wish to contribute papers (20 minutes presentations) should contact the Convener, Prof. Ranjit Nair, Director CPFS by e-mailing congressATcpfs.res.in (where AT=@) or using the Contact Us page in the drop-down menu under Partnership in the panel above. Alternatively, submissions can be made via the following website http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=cpfs10 which will be read by all members of the Programme Committee. Decisions will be communicated within two weeks of receiving extended abstracts of approx. 1000 words, which must arrive so later than the extended deadline September 30. Regular registration will be open till October 15. The late registration deadline is October 31 with 20% higher fees. Final call (should numbers permit) will be November 15 with a surcharge of 40% higher fees, in both cases over the regular registration charges. Participants will be designated Associate (Congress). Payments may be routed through an e-commerce site on the following web page, which can be reached on clicking Associates (Academic) on the panel at the top of our e-commerce site, whose URL is as follows:
For the new academic year, the schedule for colloquia is under preparation. Each colloquium will be a series around groupings of the principal research themes adopted. For the Frontier Areas Research Excellence themes 1, 5, 6 & 8, colloquia will be slotted in at 4.15 p.m. on the first Friday of each month, beginning August 2010, for hour-long sessions. Attendance is by invitation and is limited to Faculty Associates and other eligible Associates. Wider dissemination via webcasts will be enabled in due course of time so that at least selections from the archive become accessible to a wider audience.